UBC Learning Technology Hub page contains useful resources for instructorsJupyterHub Instructor Guide is an interactive, customizable computing tool that lets you harness the functions of high-performance computers for teaching and learning at UBC. For more information visit; https://lthub.ubc.ca/guides/jupyterhub-instructor-guide/ |
Data science and Computational EconomicsFor more information visit; https://www.jesseperla.com/project/datascience-computational/ Chase Coleman, Spencer Lyon, Jesse Perla, Other Contributors January 2020. Introduction to Economic Modeling and Data Science |
The COMET ProjectAdshade, M., Graves, J., Hasan, H., and other COMET Contributors. 2022. ‘The COMET Project: Creating Online Materials for Econometrics Teachings’. For more information visit; https://comet.arts.ubc.ca/. |